Monday, April 28, 2014

Are resumes relevant anymore? The answer is yes

Over the past year I have done a lot of recruiting projects. From receptionists to executive director positions, I have spent hours sifting through resumes to help clients find the perfect person for the job.

Each of these recruiting projects required candidates to submit resumes, and one question I always get asked is “Are really relevant anymore?” The answer is, without a doubt, yes.

Don’t get me wrong – I think a strong and polished online presence is important. It is crucial to keep your social networking profiles up to date and professionally appropriate (if that term sets off questions and alarms in your mind, let’s talk). Yet an up to date and well crafted resume can be even more important.

Think about this: When was the last time you were asked to submit your Facebook profile or log-in information to be considered for a job? I am hoping the answer to that question is never. On the flip side, how many times have you been asked to submit a resume to be considered for a job? I am guessing 9 out of 10 times (LinkedIn now allows job applicants to submit their profile in lieu of a resume for selected employers posting jobs, so I will give you the benefit of the doubt if that has ever happened.)

It is realistic to think a potential employers may sneak a peak at your social networking profiles after reviewing your resume and developing a genuine interest in you as a candidate.

Still, the key to this is that it happens after your resume has been reviewed. Resumes are necessary to getting your foot in the door for a position or with a company. They are self-marketing pieces that should be designed to make you shine both personally and professionally.

Being on the hiring side of employment, I can tell you that taking time and careful planning in creating a marketable resume pays off. Think of your resume like you would a commercial. Those in positions of recruiting and hiring are used to seeing a lot of resumes for one job posting. While all job seekers hope potential employers would spend 30 minutes reviewing and considering their resumes, it’s more likely that a resume has about 30 seconds to make an impression.

Keep in mind most management people will complete a more thorough resume review after a position closes, but that initial 30 seconds has a major impact down the road.

Resumes are and will continue to be a powerful tool in recruiting and assessing candidates for a position. They also figure into consideration for promotions, awards and positions of community involvement.

They aren’t going away anytime soon, so make sure you have a well crafted resume that is up to date. Need some extra tips on how to create a rocking resume? Stay tuned for next week’s feature – I’ll share some of my resume building tips from the recruiting side.

Monica Bitrick is a human relations consultant who lives and works in Idaho Falls.