Thursday, April 12, 2012

I.F. commercial building up dramatically in first quarter

Visiting the city of Idaho Falls Building Department office for another story Wednesday, I was struck by the building permit numbers for the first quarter of this year.
Last year, the total valuation for commercial construction through March 31 was a measly $6,500. This year, it was $855,000, a jump so big that that I don't even want to try to guess the percentage.

With the new elementary school projects due to start in June -- $53 million in bonds -- and the Idaho National Laboratory's new $30 million research center in the starting blocks, it's safe to say that we're looking at some big numbers for the year. Likewise, in unincorporated Bonneville County, Meleleuca is planning a multi-million headquarters near Interstate 15 Exit 113.

Other standouts for this year included an warehouse expansion for Northwest Cosmetics Laboratory on Boge Drive, more than doubling its space.

We are also trying to run down information on what might be happening on the southeast corner of West Broadway and Skyline Drive. Never want to get ahead of ourselves, but there are rumblings of commercial activity (though not Costco).