Wednesday, April 18, 2012

INL director to speak Thursday on nuclear energy's future

John Grossenbacher
John Grossenbacher, director of the Idaho National Laboratory and president of Battelle Energy Alliance, will be speaking Thursday to the Idaho Falls City Club about the future of nuclear energy in the wake of the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami of 2011.

Before joining Battelle, Grossenbacher was a vice admiral of the U.S. Navy and Commander of the U.S. Naval Submarine Forces. His academic credentials include a bachelor's in chemistry from the U.S. Naval Academy and an M.A. in international relations from Johns Hopkins University. In addition, he completed the Harvard University Graduate School of Business Administration Program for Management Development.

He is one of only a handful of officers in U.S. Navy history to be awarded both the Stockdale and David Lloyd Awards for Leadership Excellence. As Commander of the U.S. Naval Submarine Forces, Grossenbacher led the integration and consolidation of the U.S. Navy's Atlantic and Pacific submarine forces. He is noted for his ability to build and lead multi-disciplinary teams, to meet complex science and technology challenges, and to achieve success in developing and sustaining collaborative relationships with multiple stakeholders.

His presentation, in the multipurpose room of the Bennion Student Union Building, 1784 Science Center Drive, begins at 1 p.m., with question and answer time at 1:30. Gallery seating is $5.

If you are interested in hearing what Grossenbacher had to say earlier this year on Idaho Public Television about Fukushima, nuclear power and the future, visit this link:

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