Wednesday, July 17, 2013

One16 Sports Bar and Grill owner announces plans for casino

Queenie Linderman
There's going to be a lot more to report in a week or so, but Queenie Linderman of The One16 Sports Bar and Grill announced on Facebook this morning that her establishment will become a casino in October.

This will roughly coincide with the first anniversary of her opening at 3078 Outlet Blvd.,  next door to Teton Volkswagen and near I-15 Exit 116. Going into business with some local investors and others from "back East"* her part of the business will be food and beverage. The gaming will be machines-only and regulated by the state, much the same way Montana runs its casinos.

The eventual plan is to occupy the entire building once Teton Volkswagen moves to its permanent location.

If you want to keep up with this on Facebook, the link is

*I put "back East" in quotation marks because it's a relative term in Idaho. My former Post Register colleague Rocky Barker always called his native Wisconsin  "back East." Being from Delaware, I found it amusing.