Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Rosemark plans open house at new building

Rosemark's new building at 3450 Potomac Way.
Rosemark WomenCare Specialists will be holding an open house Thursday afternoon from 4 to 7 at its new location, 3450 Potomac Way, off Sunnyside Road.

Although the practice's focus is on obstetric and gynecological medicine, Rosemark's doctors are also available as primary care physicians for every patient. It also provides a broad range of specialized medical services, such as bone density assessments, help for urinary incontinence, and aesthetics.

The new 10,347-square-foot facility was begun in the fall of 2012. The permit at the city of Idaho Falls Building Department assigned it a value of $2 million. Those valuations are based on square footage and don't take into account any of the equipment or furnishings a building may contain.

The Rosemark office at 808 Pancheri remains open, and Rosemark also serves patients at the Blackfoot Medical Center, 1441 Parkway Drive, Blackfoot. For more information, call 557-2900 or visit the Web site, www.rosemark.net.