Friday, August 23, 2019

Idaho Innovation Center announces classes for small business

The Idaho Innovation Center is holding several classes and workshops aimed at helping small businesses. A non-profit business incubator, IIC regularly partners with the Small Business Development Center and the Regional Development Alliance to assist business owners with business needs. Consultation and counseling are provided for free.

If you are interested in these services, call (208) 523-1026 to set up an appointment.

Here is a list of upcoming events.

Aug. 30, 10:30-noon: New tax law and financial strategies for small business. Register at

Sept. 9, 6-9 p.m.: QuickBooks class. Meets 9/9, 9/11, 9/16, 9/18, 9/23. Fee:  $199

Sept. 18, noon-2 p.m.: Elevating Your Business class. Meets every Wednesday for 7 weeks. A fun class that will help you learn to market your business more effectively. Fee: $149

Sept. 27, 10:30-noon: Human Resources for Small Business. Free workshop. Registration through Eventbrite mid-September.

Oct. 25, 10:30-noon: Advertising and Marketing. FreeE workshop. Registration through Eventbrite mid-October.